Jason Johnson's Web Page
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Welcome to J-sqd's page....

Hello there.. This page belongs to Jason "J-sqd" Johnson (thats my picture to the right of all the text)...If you would like to know more about me just take a stroll around to find out more information about me.. I think you will find some interesting things here about me..Just becasue well face it everyone I am the greatest guy ever.. uh DUH! lol..

My Site Updates

There will be more added to this site as time goes along.. If you feel like it feel free to come back and take a look at the site and what is happening in my life.. :)



My Racing

I race or well use to race in a sport bike league in Flordia. I decided to quit, because I was tired of seeing my girlfriend get hurt and upset from worrying all the time..The bike to the side is my pride and joy well besideds my girlfriend I named this bike after my baby... Which the bikes name is (Nicole)

Thank u for stoping by

I hope you enjoy ur stay at my site, and you learn something from it and get some type of knowlege out of it.. So thanks for visiting..